Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Negro y Orgulloso (I'm Black and I'm proud)

For years black latinos have had to deny african heritage to identify with their nationality. The problem for many afro-latinos is juggling their desire for common nationalisn and their african heritage. I'm not black I'm dominican puerto rican, colombiano, panameneo must end in 2009! Don't call me a spanish nigga I'm not from Spain! Cuando me hablas no necesito cariƱitos de mi piel por que orgulloso soy, no sabias que todas las civilizaciones vinieron del Africa! Ta bien entoces? Mira! Yo no soy mulatito ni morenito, negrito, meztizo nada de esa vaina soy Afro latino afro-caribeƱo, antillano, mirame pero mirame bien! Has your black ass ever been to a latin restaurant or biusiness and gotten no service till you spoke in spanish. We have been 2nd class for to long!!! Latin america needs a civil rights movement NOW!!!!