Friday, July 31, 2009

Bluemoons, Red Stripes and Budweisers

As race continues being the center of attention I couldn't help but write some of my thoughts on recent events. While watching Larry King Live Mr. Larry Elder said "the Cambridge Sgt. should tell the President to take his beer and shove it". Mr Elder Mr. Elder... the President doesn't need to apologize or shove anything, Sgt. Crawley indeed acted stupidly. Folks this is not an issue of racial profiling its an issue of a civil servant abusing his power. Police officers, fire fighters, and other government employees must serve the community. The difference between a police officer and other civil servants is in the badge and gun. Yes the Sgt. Crawley was doing his job by responding to the emergency call, but the moment it was determined that Prof Gates was in his home his job was finished. Any person being disturbed at night and accused of breaking into his own home would be upset regardless of their ethnicity. The officer should apologize to Dr. Gates for the inconvenience and misunderstanding and left. Instead he expressed a common attitude of arrogance displayed by several members of law enforcement and arrested the professor who was later released with out a criminal charge. I call this POLICE BRUTALITY and FALSE IMPRISONMENT!!!! So now this is been called a teachable situation, and we have learned that u cant offend the police because it takes a President to take on a whole police force. Second even when you are a black Harvard professor you do not deserve respect in your own home, so sucks for me cause I'm young, black and speak with an accent oh yeah I didn't go to an Ivy league school. And last but not least the white establishments of this country have no remorse or empathy for these situation because we have black mayors, governors and a black president. So America cant be racist right? Officer Crawley take your badge and shove it!!!

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