Monday, January 18, 2010


A smile came to my face as I heard the news through cnn that tax experts find little fault in Wyclef Jean and Yele Haiti! As usual my people are bombarded with the attempts of the media and politicians to instill the white savior complex. If Haiti became free because of leader like Toussaint Lu'orveture why can't its native son save its people from the worst natural disaster to hit the island nation in 200 year. Sizzla said it best dem cyant keep a good man down... Yele!!!! Rouge et bleu!


RT @aliciasanchez: "we know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. " -MLK

RT @divalutionary: J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, called Martin Luther King, Jr: "the most dangerous man in America, and a moral degenerate"

RT @divalutionary: "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today - my own government." Martin Luther King Jr

RT @chela816: In 1951 MLK began doctoral studies in systematic theology at Boston University & received his Doctor of Philosophy from #BU on June 5, 1955.

RT @gapconsulting: "All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem." -- Martin Luther King

chela816: RT @gapconsulting: RT @luis2010: Martin Luther King Day: Volunteering And Giving Back:

RT @gapconsulting: On Martin Luther King Day (US) we honor this incredible man and global symbol of peace and non-violence. Today we let his words speak.

RT @chela816: RT @Harvard: On Jan. 10, 1965, Rev. Martin Luther King gave the Sunday sermon at an overflowing Memorial Church. More:

@oscaroliverjr Let's start with an easy one... Isn't it ironic that I'm black & work for african americans but I don't get MLK off... I'm just saying..

RT @aliciasanchez: "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality..." -MLK

RT @aliciasanchez: my favorite and (imo) most bad-ass #MLK quote: "I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's (cont)

RT @LiberatedMuse: May we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. for his voice for the movement, his vision prior to his death and his...

RT @BostonTweet Coretta Scott met Martin Luther King in Boston while completing her degree in voice & violin at the New England Conservatory

RT @divalutionary: "A man can't ride your back unless it's bent." MLK

RT @divalutionary: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." MLK

RT @ladygcg: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." MLK

RT @gapconsulting: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Martin Luther King, Jr

RT @andersoncooper: The meaning of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday

RT @chela816: "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now." üMartin Luther King, Jr. (via @ntylion92 @RayBeckerman @Greetums)

RT @gapconsulting: "At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love." -- Martin Luther King, Jr

RT @ladygcg: RT @AnswersDotCom: More than 730 cities in the U.S. have streets named after Martin Luther King Jr. #answers

RT @BarackObama: Today we honor the legacy and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Watch Sunday's remarks in DC: #MLK

YELE Haiti!!!

As we all know Wyclef is under investigation for poor accounting practices involving his foundation Yele Haiti. I was speaking to highly intelligent individual, and she said if Clef was tight about his foundation this wouldn’t have happened. Everything is cool until the government gets involved in your shit... White folk get uneasy when shit isn’t filed right. Unfortunately a balk man must always be tight so as not to come under fire. How y’all think Barack became president? If his operation wasn't tight he wouldn't have been any where near the white house. After all the investigations republicans did on President Obama, cause you know they just wanted one reason to say he wasn't fit to be president he won the election. President Obama is the tightest brotha on the planet. He turned that white house to the black house. This proves that to make it on a world stage we must be tight at all times. I gave a donation to Yele, and I will give to them again & again. Whether you decide to give to Yele or the Red Cross is not what’s important what matters is that you gave... But as black folk we must be tight at all times...

Mo's Golden Globe... give it back Mo

Its MLK weekend and Monique wins the golden globe setting her up for an Oscar win. The trend of negative black images being awarded continues! Denzel won being a crook, Hale is sexually assaulted in a gross sex scene and Monique just reminds people how abusive we can be. As if I haven't heard enough stories from friends whose hands have been burned for stealing a dollar or beaten with a pot spoon or rope. I think Monique should’ve simply looked for a role in a biography of a plus size actress or singer preferably one from the Harlem Renaissance period. These are the only ways we win Oscars by looking negative or singing... We are dream girls... And I am telling u... Georgia, Georgia. So if I had to pick between a negative mom who thought us nothing (because there was no break through in Precious) or a singer, give me the singer. At least a singer in the movies brings back to life some good oldies that I can later download for my ipod.