Monday, January 18, 2010

YELE Haiti!!!

As we all know Wyclef is under investigation for poor accounting practices involving his foundation Yele Haiti. I was speaking to highly intelligent individual, and she said if Clef was tight about his foundation this wouldn’t have happened. Everything is cool until the government gets involved in your shit... White folk get uneasy when shit isn’t filed right. Unfortunately a balk man must always be tight so as not to come under fire. How y’all think Barack became president? If his operation wasn't tight he wouldn't have been any where near the white house. After all the investigations republicans did on President Obama, cause you know they just wanted one reason to say he wasn't fit to be president he won the election. President Obama is the tightest brotha on the planet. He turned that white house to the black house. This proves that to make it on a world stage we must be tight at all times. I gave a donation to Yele, and I will give to them again & again. Whether you decide to give to Yele or the Red Cross is not what’s important what matters is that you gave... But as black folk we must be tight at all times...

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